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Dose of Growth Hormone

Dose of Growth Hormone

Dose of Growth Hormone

Before you start taking growth hormone, you need to understand how to determine the correct dosage. Everyone should, relying on the instructions and the peculiarities of their body, study the amount of daily use of the substance. For a good result and well-being, you need to take into account important nuances. We propose to consider all the factors in this article, so let's continue further.

Setting targets for dosage formulation

To correctly calculate the dosage, a person must determine for what purposes he needs growth hormone. Although this substance can provide benefits in any case, it must be taken correctly to obtain maximum effectiveness.

So, let's look at what doses there are, based on different needs:

  • HGH for muscle growth;

  • HGH dosage to prevent wrinkles and other signs of aging;

  • HGH for weight loss or body fat loss.

Dosing Protocol

Most commonly, the following dosages are found:

  • 2-3 IU - calculated for cosmetic purposes, preventing aging, and maintaining bone health.

  • 4-8 IUs is the dosage for bodybuilders, which falls into the medium category. As a result, a person increases his muscle mass and gets leaner.

  • 8-15 IU - used as a more advanced dose for athletes. The main thing is not to exceed 15 IU to avoid unpleasant side effects.

To get the desired result, you need to combine the intake of growth hormone with proper nutrition and regular workouts. If your goal is to preserve your attractiveness and youthfulness, you can emphasize not so much training but do not forget about diet. View and order HGH at, where nice prices and trusted manufacturers are gathered.

What else is important to know about growth hormone dosage?

To get the desired result, you need to calculate the dosage and determine your goals. For experienced athletes and bodybuilders, the dose is calculated depending on the level of their loads and upcoming tasks. If you are a beginner, start with small doses. Gradually, as the athlete becomes more experienced and resilient, he can increase the dosage. Again, for cosmetic purposes, a dosage of 2-3 IU will be more than enough.

The dosage depends on the duration of use

Depending on the chosen duration of use of growth hormone, the following dosages are distinguished:

  • short cycle. It lasts 1-2 months and helps improve joint health, skin condition, and cartilage synthesis.

  • long cycle from 4 to 6 months. This dosage is most popular among bodybuilders and athletes and is therefore considered optimal.

Regular use protocol (ED, EOD, 3TW, 5/2)

It is worth highlighting 4 protocols that you need to know when using growth hormone. Let's list them:

  • ED is a common frequency of use of the substance since this option allows you to regularly obtain the required level of the hormone. This choice will be most effective but will cost more.

  • EOD - This option is suitable for those who have a more limited budget. But you will have to use growth hormone in this case for a longer period.

  • 3TW is a frequency that is actively used in medicine. The goal is to treat children who are deficient in GH. 

  • 5/2 - This frequency is most relevant for people who have been using growth hormone for several years. Proper breaks will help you avoid side effects. 

Rules for daily use

How much growth hormone to take per day is a very important and responsible point. A person has a choice: take a large dose at once or split it into two doses per day.

Most people are inclined to think that splitting the dose into two is ideal. Let's list why:

  • Two injections daily fill the body with the necessary level of growth hormone, as well as IGF-1. Therefore, the human body will retain the effect of taking it throughout the day.

  • Splitting the dosage is easier for the liver to process.

  • This technique helps mitigate possible side effects.

Examples of daily use of growth hormones

There are often cases where growth hormone is used to accelerate skin regeneration and fight the signs of aging. Such people use an HGH dosage of 8-12 weeks. Both the 8-week and 12-week cycles are used with a small dosage of 2-3 IU.

HGH dosage options can be divided into several options per week. It is often suggested to start with a minimum dose of 2 IU, and not exceed 3 IU:

1-4 weeks:

2 IU - one dose is taken in the first part, and then after 8 hours. 

5-6 weeks:

2.5 IU - one dosage in the first part, and the second can also be after 8 hours.

7-8 weeks:

3 IU - one dose in the first part, and then you can also do it after 8 hours.

For a 2-week cycle, you can pay attention to the following options:

1-4 weeks:

2 IU - one use in the first part, and the second in the evening (can be done after 8 hours).

5-8 weeks:

2.5 IU - one dose in the first part, and the second can be after 8 hours.

8-12 weeks: 

3 IU - one dose in the first part, the second after 8 hours.

Another option that is considered optimal for bodybuilders and other athletes is:

Use a dosage of 3-4 IU daily, and divide it into 2 doses in the morning and evening. Determine your norm, and keep in mind that it is better for beginners to start with the minimum (2-3 IU). Gradually they can increase the dose and move to 4 IU. If you feel that you are ready, then you can start with a straight 4 IU.

Bodybuilders who want to combine HGH with other substances need to know more information, so check it out here: The main Benefit of taking HGH for men.

HGH side effects

Before you start taking it, it is worth weighing all the side effects. Let's list them in more detail: 

Water retention in the body. A person may notice swelling in some parts of their body. This affects the appearance, but it is an indication that the growth hormone is working properly. However, water retention can be controlled by not drinking too much fluid or by using a urico surfactant.

Carpal Tunnel. This effect does not last permanently. In order not to feel numbness in your limbs, try to drink more water and do not forget about sufficient intake of B6. In this case, you will notice this side effect disappearing.

Blood sugar levels. Be sure to have a blood test before starting growth hormone. Everything depends on the results of the test, so if your values are 4-6 mmol/l, you are allowed to use a dosage of up to 10 IU. To increase the dose and use 20 IU, you need to additionally include insulin. If you are likely to get diabetes, it is better to refuse growth hormone. For example, this is relevant if your relatives have diabetes.

High blood pressure. Growth hormones can increase blood pressure, so people who have such problems should choose certain brands. For example, Ansomone or Jintropin. They are recommended because they have milder side effects. You can reduce the risk if you start using the substance gradually, over time properly increasing the dose when necessary.

Estimating the cost of growth hormone

Growth hormone is often considered an expensive treat. However, the cost can vary, allowing you to please customers with different budgets. This has a positive effect on the possibility of choosing a growth hormone with a good quality-to-price ratio.

Such a benefit is offered by, so visit this site.

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